Friday, January 28, 2011

15 months old...

Emma is growing by leaps and bounds and right on track for a 15 month old. I swear she is learning new things every single day!!! She waves bye bye, has been for a while now...claps her hands, know certain songs, dances to them, she can tell you what a dog says, she knows her nose, her eyes. She knows where "mommys baby" is and kisses and hugs her soon- to- be here baby brother. She has a grand total of 5 teeth with the 6th on the way and should be here any day now making 4 on top and 2 on bottom for quite the little grin. She is into everything... all the cabinets and drawers in the house. She likes to pull EVERYTHING out of every drawer... and she's really good about putting it all back when you tell her to. She can crawl up the stairs in a minute flat if you chase her. STILL working on the walking thing... She is the biggest joy in our lives...

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